One of the possible questions that come to mind when we talk about exterior painting is the application tool we need to use when applying paint to the exterior wall surface. Should you use a paintbrush? Spray paint? Or maybe paint roller?
Paint sprayers and paint rollers might seem to be a faster choice to finish the time in the shortest period. Moreover, paint brushing seems to be a time-consuming task reserved for small portions of the house such as window trims and doors. However, there are circumstances that a paintbrush that might seem more appropriate than paint rollers or paint sprays.
Paint Spraying
Paint spraying might take some time to get used to it. If it is the first time to use the paint sprayer, it might be as easy as it looks. It will take numerous trials and errors to master the technique to achieve an even and perfect exterior paint finish using this tool. Beginner painters might cause a lot of paint dripping, running, and uneven coating on the wall. Some might even splatter paint all over the paint area.
However, some paint spray brands are affordable. Painting spraying may take more prep time compared to usual paint brushing, but it is faster to finish once painting started. Paint sprayers can extend the reach and cover the architectural details well.
While spraying, you need to cover the areas and materials that do not need painting. This includes the trims, sidewalks, details, plants, furniture, built-in cabinets, and anything else.
Paint Brushing
The traditional paint brushing lets you get started painting your house immediately. It does not require many tools and materials that need to be brought up and set up. Paint brushing does not require much prep time for covering the cleaning areas compared to paint spraying. Brushing only needs a simple drop cloth directly below the surface to be painted.
With paint brushing, you have the freedom to spend much time with the intricate details of your architectural design. When there are problems that need repair, it is easier to pay close detail. Paint brushing also spends less paint compared to spray painting.
However, paint brushing is more physically exhausting as it takes a longer time to finish.
Paint Rolling
Some people will argue that paint rolling can be as fast as paint spraying. But this is not true. It only looks the same because it takes a longer time to prep the painting area when using a paint sprayer compared to the prep time needed for the roller painting.
Paint rolling seems a better option since it will give a higher quality finish. Paint rolling has a thicker paint application that gives an overall better coverage. It also removes the risk of over-spraying.
Factors to Consider
Whether you opt to use paint spray, paint roller, or paintbrush, there are two factors that you need to consider: the type of paint and the type of surface. It is important to know whether you are painting the walls or the floor. It is good to note the type of surface you are painting whether it is smooth or rough.
To save yourself from these trivial decisions, it is best to hire a professional painting contractor who can deal with the type of painting tool to use that fits the demand of your exterior wall. Earl’s Paintworks, Inc. is equipped with the best painting tools and best painters to get the job done.