Preparation is important to the outcome of the exterior painting, without proper preparation, the finished product may not look as high quality as it should be. At Earl’s Paintworks, they understand the value of preparation. Their professionals follow a thorough preparation process to ensure the quality outcome.
Why Consider External Painting?
Painting the external structure of your abode provides several aesthetic and functional benefits that you may or may not know at this point. If you are considering availing of professional exterior painting service, here is what you need to know:
- Exterior painting provides better structural aesthetics.
- Exterior painting increases your home value empirically.
- Exterior painting increases your home’s protection against nature’s elements.
- Exterior painting protects your home from insects (i.e., termites for woodworks).
- Exterior painting increases your home’s lifespan.
Step 1: Pressure Washing: Removing the dirt and dust build-up on your walls allows the paint to cover the surface better. It is great to pressure wash the walls to remove web cobs and dirt build-up.
Step 2: Damage Repairing: After washing, it is a must to repair the damages that the structure has. Their professionals check every corner of the structure to ensure that all cracks, gaps, and holes are plastered and fixed.
Step 3: Loose Paint: After they have cleaned and repaired the walls, the removal of loose paints safeguards a better painting outcome.
Step 4: Doors and Windows: Caulk trimming the gaps between the house and trim around doors and windows is also a must. To guarantee no damage, it is also best to cover the windows, lights, and doors during the exterior painting process.
Step 5: Painting: After all the preparations are made, their skilled professionals will process with painting the exterior structure of your home. It is best to apply primer when you are changing the colour of your walls. Earl’s Paintworks uses the best quality of paints to ensure quality and durability.
Are you ready to get an estimate?
For a professional job, Contact Earl’s Paintworks in Calgary for a quote on your painting the exterior of your home this summer.