New Build Garage Full Of Cool Features
We get to take part in lots of cool projects at Earl’s Paintworks and painting the interior of this garage was no exception.
First off, who doesn’t just love garages? Garages are great hangouts, where all kinds of cool projects and ideas come together. This newly constructed garage in Sunnyside is perfectly suited for all that and more.
Spray Foam Open Ceiling
The design of the open truss ceiling is one of the first things that catches you eye when you walk into this shop.
Drywall on the ceiling is noticeably absent! Thanks to spray foam for insulating the roof, the wood trusses have been left open giving an even airier feeling to over height space. We finished the entire ceiling, spray foam and trusses in a dark contrasting colour and we certainly think it turned out cool.
Wall Mount Garage Door Openers
Another feature that, at first you don’t notice, are the ultra slick wall mount garage door openers. These units also add to that open air ceiling look and are a must for any modern garage interior. In addition to looking super cool, they work quieter and have more features than your standard garage door opener, auto locking dead bolts, internet equipped, etc.
Heated & Wired
Calgary being Calgary, a shop garage isn’t complete without heat. Forced air garage heater fills that niche allowing for year round use of this great backyard garage. Electrical outlets abound as well, eliminating the need for excessive extensions cordsor having to travel very far to get plugged in.
As Calgary’s Best Painters we sure get to see some fanatastic buildings and we thought this garage build turned out pretty darn cool. Give Earl’s Paintworks a call for all your interior painting needs.